March 6,2001
fucking board of ed bastards
If ur gonna close school, FUCKING do it the night before. Don't allow me to wake up thinking at some time I'm gonna have to be there. It's not even 8:30 yet and I'm awake for the day. Freakin people. I don't think I can spend one more day trapped in my home with nothing to do. Sorry. I'm just really pissed about that.

On a brighter note, I am happy again in the relationship world. Guys are still confusing and baffling creatures, but I'm no longer bitter towards them. Well. Some of them. :)

The play went pretty well, in my oblivious head anyways. I wasn't really aware of the entire thing, again with that whole short attention span thing.

I hate how my dad smokes. I remember being 5 and him promising to quit on our birthday and now about 10 yrs later all hes done is switch to lights and he's only 46 but because he smokes its probably like his lungs are 60 something. What is the point of cigarettes? They don't get u even a little buzzed. And they make u smell awful. Especially guy smokers cause then its mixed with sweat and thats the perfect combination for no one wanting to talk to you ever. Ok. I'm not saying that I was never stupid enough to do it, but I'm not continuing. I think everyone thinks that they're young and it wont effect them until later on, but by then u usually have a family and u want to live. Before you know it u'll be making trips back and forth to the hospital because of something that could have been prevented. Sorry I sound like a damn member of the american lung association but its just disturbing me how many of my friends dont give a flying fuck about themselves or their futures. Not just with smoking either, but with their attitudes with school I dont exactly see them making anymore than 15 thousand a year at a minimum wage job. oh boy. enough bitching for one morning.

Posted by Maleta at 8:25 AM