March 13,2001
freakin people
When does a friendship get to the point where all the stupid little agruments end?? Seriously, we're friends, not people who talk to each other just to get mad at one another. Grr! I hate arguments, unless they're just for amusement and that is the only thing that made my day shitty. It will hopefully all be resolved soon though.

Other then that, today was just long. Testing. Weather sucks. I'm just gonna start calling this the local weather analysis journal. That's all that I seem to talk about. I don't know. It just has a major effect on my mood. When it's grey outside, all is bad. :(

Anyways. On a brighter note. Well. I have to think about that one. Relationships are all in disarray. Well not really. I think thats just all in my head. I wish i could shut whatever conscience i have the hell up. For a short amount of time. I just want to be able to mean and not care. Certain people need to be yelled at, heh.

Chocolate. Where are you?? It all seems to dissapear when I want some.When I don't it's everywhere. Life is shitty like that. Not that life is shitty, just those little things. And little things piss me off. Ah. Ok, ok. I'm going.

Posted by Maleta at 3:01 PM