June 1,2001
my day of er...fun?
Little kids. In the sun. Today we had a little picnic.It was better than being in some of my classes. I don't like how teachers get all bitchy and know-it all and then they say stupid shit. that doesn't make any sense. just cause they're teachers means nothing to me. I have had a good number of ignorant teachers who dont give a flying fuck about teaching just there for an average pay check and not so awful hours. It's June already. I really hope I get a good babysitting job this summer. I'd so much rather do that then have to wear an ugly hat and serve sweaty people some sort of food. Wouldn't you?

So at the moment I'm sitting in Dan's attic. I'm not exactly sure why I came over here, but it's better than going home. I get to hear funny guys bicker. Now I must go.

And I'm home.This weekend will most likely be uneventful. Maybe I'll watch some good movies. something about martha stewart makes me want to vomit. alot. weed is good. well. its bad. but good. that's something i haven't done in a long while. with relatively normal people anyway. i cant be left alone making dinner. i have chef boyardee spaghetti and meatballs. well. i like it. so. shut up. yeah. do gummi bears have a shelf life? or are they just good for all eternity. maybe i should find out that answer before i eat anymore. hum.

I would like to hang out with people I hardly hang out with. Something new. Anyone interested?

How come when I ask what seems like relatively normal questions people do that whole 'raise the eyebrow' thing that implies they're thinking "what the fuck is wrong with this girl?" All I asked was whether or not people get momentary "flashbacks" if you will, about when they were little. Like about t.v. shows..like David The Gnome, or moments when ur assembling palm trees for ur newest Barbie thing. I can't possibly be the only one that is sitting there in Biology not paying any attention at all and thinking about being 5, can i?

Posted by Maleta at 3:00 p.m.