July 11,2001
don't go to Japan
Hiiii..I'm going at around 2 today. Yay. But right now, I'm so tired I feel like I'm going to vomit. Can tiredness cause such a thing? Or is it more a lack of nutrition.

Dammit. I hope we go to IHOP today. Although my dad has something against it, because everytime he's ever been to one his car broke down. I'm telling you, he doesn't ever let these things go.

I had a dream that first I was sleeping over Dan's but in his little sister's room, which looked exactly like mine, but then someone got mad, and gave me a car to go home. In my dream, I wasn't paying attention to where I was driving so I found myself on a rather frightening route to the airport. Then I realized that I live the other way. So i tried to turn around. All the sudden i was on a bicycle with no car, and I had no idea which was was home. SO i saw a police car. I followed it and when I was about to ask which way was woodbridge they got out of their cars and pointed their guns at some 'bad' guy in a car. Then I asked my question anyway and the 'bad' guy smiled and told me very nicely how to get home. But I had to turn around. The only way to do that was to go down a very steep ramp, which was much steeper than anything would be in real life. So these two foreign kids came up and offered to help me, and then a bunch of my friends and I were kidnapped and the guy wanted us to go to Japan. I was on the phone in a Japanese airport and before I called my mom, there was a voice on the line that said, "You will die within two days." And then I got in trouble for stealing this fat woman's computer.

I have to go eat or something.

Posted by Maleta at 9:27 a.m.