July 22,2001
water water water..drink plenty of fluids
Steve thinks I'm CrAzY. But, I am, so it's ok. :)

All in all, I had a pretty good weekend. Friday night I watched Mists of Avalon, which was really good, then on Saturday after the doctors my family came over and it was fun, then I slept over Eleanor's and I had a good time even if we were both sleepy. Then today I hung out with Dan, Steve, and Nick, and my grandma bought me a book and a movie, and I'm pretty happy even if I feel ill. Medicine that screws with your body is EVIL.

My grandparents are cute. I wish they lived a little bit closer though.

All the girls I know have illnesses all the time. I know people say we're overreacting, but seriously, I don't think that Woodbridge females are overly healthy. Maybe girls just talk about things more often than guys. I'm taking alot of hidden agressions out on males lately. I'm not really sure why.

Sometimes I wish I could say exactly what I feel. However, things would all come crashing down around me. Tom doesn't really tell me what he feels, so I guess it would possibly be better for me to keep quiet. I just sometimes want to say everything, and it would either make things so much better or very awkward. So. I will remain silent. Then there are other things that I have to keep to myself or else everyone I care about will go crazy. Or maybe just me.

There were other things I wanted to write about. I can't remember though. Every now and then I come across a completely blank region in my mind. It's weird. Sort of like euphoria, but frustrating.

I am bitter when I get 5 hours of sleep. So please don't be mad if I was a psychotic bitch this past weekend. I'm gonna go. ByeBye!

Posted by Maleta at 9:24 p.m.