July 27,2001
words of wisdom.not really..
Over the past few days, I've discovered that I have an intense hatred for Furbies and Furby parties or whatever else may involve those creepy little things.

When your mother tells you she'll get you home on Friday, it means Saturday. Yeah. Well. When she doesn't 'feel' like doing something then that's the end of that. I mean she's great and all, but I am angered.

Did you know that there is a Furby computer game??!! oh, joy.

Something fun to do: when you see a boy whose roughly your age, stare at him intensely to see what his reaction is or how long you can hold his attention. It's really very fun if you're bored and out somewhere.

I only say things that I mean.

Other people say things at times because their crazy.

I don't know if I ever say things at times like those.

I can't wait for fall, and that temperature and the smell of the leaves and sweaters. I love myself better in sweaters, and I love everyone else when they've got on soft sweatshirts or sweaters.

So, I like the season of death rather than the season of newly born creatures. What can I say?

Benadryl not only puts me to sleep but keeps me sleepy the entire next day.

I feel bad for pets when they are in tanks. Even my hamsters looked sad, so before I left on Tuesday, I took mine out of his cage, and my brother's out of the other cage and they met and went all crazy. Then I remembered the guy at the pet store say that grown male hamsters like to rip each other's faces off. So. That was the end of that. But they seemed more content knowing that they were neighbors.

Tip: wait for your cat to be at least 3 months away from adulthood before attacking its testicles in prevention of reproduction, or they will grow to have a flab of skin that swings back and forth when they walk right around their stomach region. It's funny, but it can't possibly make the cat happy.

I used to be a big animal person, but now I get angry if they don't do what I want.

Posted by Maleta at 4:29 p.m.