August 9,2001
people are strangely amused
Why does Star Trek bother me so much? Why? I don't know. It bothers me to the point of doing everything and anything to get away from hearing distance from any tv with it on. I hate it. Absolutely. The creepy creatures frighten me, and I can't be open minded about it.

Now that you were all informed about something you don't care about, let's go onto to something else.

Nevermind. I can't think of something else.

Something else on tv that is unsettling are those infamous Teletubies. Not so much them, but their environment and the way they speak. It's scary.

I used to be afraid of the moon, I used to be afraid of James Taylor..(mind you, I was 4) but now I'm afraid of creepy bright things that speak in high pitched voices, and strange alien-type beings that spend their entire lives floating around in space following one crisis after another.

I think maybe I need to go to sleep.

Posted by Maleta at 12:08 a.m.