August 16,2001
hey, look at that, i'm writing and it's not extremely early in the morning!
I'm sorry but I've recently found that I really like Enya. That music is relaxing. And I'm stressed out for no reason whatsoever except that I cause tiny problems for myself. So yes. I like that music.

It would be great shopping music.

Now in my mind it seems most important to base a career on the fact that I want to have a family, but then what if my career sucks and I don't wind up having a family (but I have to. I really do), and then I'll be all sorts of stressed out then. Hah. Let me stop worrying.

Well there's one thing I'm entitled to being worried about; I think my brother wants to murder me. Him and Eleanor tried to tape me into a large box before, and now I'm being tied to the computer chair.

My mom isn't even worried that her house will become the next crime scene in Woodbridge.

Ok, I'm free. Enough bitching always works.

I've only recieved one enjoyable e-mail in the past week, and that is from a guy that I don't even know. Not that there's anything wrong with that, more often then not, those are the best e-mails. However, there's too much NAKED GIRLS CLICK HERE accumulating in my AOL mailbox. I hope I get rid of aol soon. It's angering me..

Eleanor, be very happy that you have legs that actually are capable of kicking high and you can be on dance team.

Posted by Maleta at 10:40 p.m.