early morning dreams
Good morning. Wow I slept so well last night. I love nights like that.

Eleanor is right, this weather is absolutely great.

I had a very strange dream about an hour ago. I was in shoprite with everyone that I hang out with every now and then, but it wasn't shoprite. It was a whole bunch of little shack type houses built next to each other with title's above the door, it really reminded me of the Renaissance Festival. So anyway, I got drunk in my dream and went into a shack and started making out with Nathan, and then Eleanor's grandmother walked in and she would not talk to me for the rest of the day, but I really didn't care. So then we were all in the really large room and Kacy kept singing, and ELeanor was writing all of her sins on a cieling tyle and then she threw the tyle at her grandmother.

I probably would still be sleeping if it wasn't for her calling me a few minutes ago.

And to me, that seemed like a pretty good dream. Well. It was interesting..

Apparently I have to be ready at 3 o'clock sharp to go shopping with dan. I hope I get good stuff, I hate the feeling of not knowing what I'm going to buy, because then the whole day is stressful until I have bought things that make me happy.

Alrighty, I'm gonna go. It's so freaking nice outside.

Posted by Maleta at 11:05 a.m.