Sept. 7,2001
my personalitly apparently includes cursing. hum.
Today was a particularly shitty day. I'm such an idiot, I should have just kept my mouth shut and not said anything to anyone last month because now I feel like I'm the hugest jack ass in the world. Things better not get weird. However, I fear they already have. So I take back everything, and now I'm back to being over-optomistic Bonnie who doesn't give a shit. If only I could take everything back. That would be good.


I now fear that I'm taking that place of an annoying individual. By writing it down, it will become even more annoying.

There are definitely some annoying people in my classes. One in particular.

Anyway. I'm always discouraged from Art by honesty.

This is one of those complaining entries.

On a tad bit of an amusing note, does anyone else ever accidentally wear their underwear inside out? To school? I'm sitting in art and I realized that there's a tag sticking out of my jeans, so I tried to fix it, but I couldn't cause of course, as I was stumbling into my clothes this morning the genius that I am puts them on wrong..another girl said that once she wore them sideways..(i think I might have noticed that a little quicker..heh). Strange.

Posted by Maleta at 3:03 p.m.