Sept. 16,2001
my my my...write that words three times and it loses all meaning
I probably shouldn't be up this late, but everyone just went home so yeah. I'm not quite ready to sleep yet.

We finally played mini-golf today! Yay! It was fun. A little chilly, but fun. I'm really not feeling all that safe at the moment. I'm the only one home besides my overweight cat and my grandma who lives in an adjoining apt. at the back of our house (NOT the backyard Dan..:)Well, I've got a baseball bat, worse comes to worse I could take my PMS rage out on whatever fucker comes into my home. YEAH. Sorry, I think that was left over from my insane bitching before.

This weather is the best. I wish it could stay like this and not drop to 22 degrees so our classrooms get to be about 28. That is not the best time of year.

My parents are less strict when they aren't home. My dad said be home before dark, my home told me midnight. SO..naturally I listen to the woman who brought me into the world. Yeah. That's the reason.

This whole driving lesson situation is getting crazy. If I don't sit behind a steering wheel soon I will be very unhappy. But not really, I never stay unhappy for longer than 2 hours unless I'm in some sort of a grieving stage.

I always feel like I have alot to say at 1 something in the morning as opposed to any other time, however, these things are basically my rambling on. Hence the name of this diary. Well, Silver wishes you all a good night. He is my guard cat for the evening. He can mangle any evil that dares enter. Yes. I have faith in that cat.

Posted by Maleta at 1:11 a.m.