october 2,2001
melancholy..i believe i already named one that though..
It's times like these I wish I would implode. Not explode, cause that would just be messy.

I'm too tired to explain things properly, lets just say that I am destined to be confused and make everyone I come into contact with just as confused or really pissed off. I hate that quality.

I love my mom. She made me feel better. Not alot better, but as much as she could.

The rest of high school is going to be really long and angering. You know how everyone says, oh it goes by so quickly! you'll miss it! Well guess fucking what. I will miss about 2 teachers, and about 10 people

I can't wait to teach. I just hope I'll be able to keep my comments to myself about idiotic boys who listen to Britney Spears and don't even know the word "magazine". If I were Ms. Bennet I would have kicked them out 2 days into the year.

Boys confuse me so much, that I'd join a convent if it weren't religious. Not really. I just don't exactly know how else to explain my fear of relationships and people.

im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry

Posted by Maleta at 7:31 p.m.