October 14,2001
eccentricity at its finest
Heh, I haven't been up this late since the end of summer.

Today was pretty fun, I went bowling (my game still has yet to improve) with a few people from work and I get to sleep as late as I want tommorow. All in all a good day.

I had a stupid goal to lose my viriginity while I was 16. I'm thinking of abandoning that goal, for all those obvious reasons, but geez it will be hard. Not that I'm surrounded by guys who want to sleep with me, but I'm surrounded by guys who I would like to sleep with. Crazy little slut Bonnie. But I'm only a mental slut being the fact I have yet to act on any impulse.

I hope everyone doesn't think I'm completely bitchy and idiotic. Half the things I say aren't even what I think or feel, I'm just a little off. Yeah. That's the word. And now for a little something different, some poetry by my wonderful friend Scog:.


She promised to love me.

And I swore the same.

Until she threw a big-ass dictionary at my groin.

And showed me the true meaning of pain.


Life is a battle between good and between evil.

Life is a quest for the lost soul's retrieval.

Life's void of possibilities is inconceivable.

Life is also a friggen cereal.


My poems are trash.

I'm annoying you all.

You'll find better writing.

Graffitied in bathroom stalls

Posted by Maleta at 12:47 a.m.