david bowie
I actually uttered the word 'yummier' today. I think that was it at least. Something along those lines about Shoprite shredded cheese?

It's very strange when you don't eat properly for about a week and don't get enough sleep. I'm still going, however it isn't energy that's keeping me awake. I have yet to figure out why I haven't passed out on the living room floor already.

David Bowie. Hah. :)

Umm...I think it's the coolest thing how a certain scent can remind me of someone that I normally would never think about. Or would now that I think about it. Laundry detergent is a strange thing.

But my purse smells like rubber bands. I have to do something about that. New wallet a.s.a.p.

I fell asleep in Chemistry today and had a dream about cat treats. Then I woke up to find myself in a room watching people dancing about electrons on the tv. I would have rather kept dreaming about cat treats.

I would love to make my own wallpaper.

Posted by Maleta at 6:33 p.m.