October 24,2001
It truly is a world full of simpletons.
I'm not going to get angry about this, nor am I going to bitch about it. I will just report exactly what happened with a smile plastered on my face because it's not healthy to always be pissed off.

Well. In wonderful art class again, there is this rather obnoxious senior boy who is literally bragging about going to prison for 6 months. He's going on and on about this for a good 15 minutes. So I get sick of wanting to beat the shit out of him and ask him, "So. What exactly did you do?" You know, because if you're a big enough ass hole to brag about being in prison, you also should be willing to share the reason. Well God forbid I, a lowly(but respectable) junior, say anything to His Royal Fuckface over there. He started complaining about what a HUGE bitch I was to ask him that perfectly legitimate question. I would have asked him what was wrong with being inquisitive, but he probably would have given me a blank stare, being the fact that my words weren't monosyllabic enough for his pretty little head. And, I must say, he isn't even all that attractive. Him and his friends all seem to think that they are God's greatest gift to women because they can have sex if they get the girl drunk enough.

See. I didn't get too mad. :)

Lately I think Karen and I are having the same feelings about people. But we are too damn nice to do anything overly mean about it. However, that is ok. Just means we're not as shitty as they happen to be.

I just had a nice lunch with my mom and nick. Interesting. He ate 5 pieces of pizza. I can't even eat one and a half. That's crazy. And I bet he only weighs about 20 pounds more than me.

I better go. ByeBye.

Posted by Maleta at 4:01 p.m.