October 31,2001
i am slightly not right in the head right now
Ok. I will never like anyone again, I am officially the biggest fucking moron on the planet, I want to move and live all by myself in the woods. Shit. I am so fucking dumb.

My mother is sick again. I can't think about it though.

If you can't tell this will be my "fuck everything" entry of the month.

What I need is something I don't have. I can't fucking understand why I don't, but it makes me feel like shit. Complete shit.

I'm too young for everything that I want, and I'm too old for almost everything I have. There's no one to talk to, because I've somehow alienated everyone that ever gave a shit about me, and Dawson's Creek is my only solace. Does that not sound pathetic? I am a fucking moron.

Sorry. But. Yeah.

Posted by Maleta at 10:36 p.m.