November 8,2001
I'm at that mental point where you can sit me in front of anything, and I will be completely content if you don't ask me to move.

Listening to VH1. Always about sex.

My angry manager guys have this way about them that i believe they think is humor, but it's just..blah..shut nice..i'm not witty enough to make a retort after i've been standing up for 7 hours. i did get in the point i've been trying to make all along...guys scare me. they do. all of them. very scary people. girls are bitchy, but at least they don't scare me.


my last 9 dollars is gone after lending away 5 and buying a sandwich. i'm too lazy to go to the bank so i'll remain poor for a while.

they guys at shoprite know me because i'm in there so often. isn't that sad. truly.

i think it's rather bothersome when people constantly talk about how sick they are. plenty of people are sick, even dying, but if there isn't anything they could do about it, just stop complaining and deal with it. i know it's bitchy, fine, but my relatives who have issues don't constantly bitch about it, because instead of alienating those who love them, they want to enjoy time spent with them. arg.

no one's talking to me anymore, so i'm going to watch friends and sleep for a long,long time.

does anyone else want to go see 'life as a house' if so..tell me..we'll go this weekend. i'm addicted to movies again. goodnight.

Posted by Maleta at 10:46 p.m.