November 24,2001
I'm discovering the truly great qualities about my friends, that were never evident to me in previous years. Maybe it wasn't even evident to them. I think we all just realized alot about ourselves this year and are putting out a lot of positive qualities. Or maybe I'm just tired but I think it's the truth. Bad things between other friends have happened too,though.

I have to stop hanging out with boys who are practically strangers. I'm just realizing how fucking lucky I am something terrible hasn't occured to me yet. I'm really not as tough as I'd like to believe.

But then I also remember that I'm the reason I'm in those situations to begin with. Maybe I should just tell everyone I'm grounded, and after Eleanor's party become a semi-recluse. Nah..that's a little drastic.

I also overanalyze things too much, but maybe that's a quality that has kept me alive.

It's bad when I close my eyes and see catfood cans and shopping carts...and santa at the store so the PETS can sit on his lap. oh geez....

......and i'm still only the girl that everyone comes to either take advantage of or ask for advice about their relationships.

if anything besides that happens, i screw it up.

i think i'm getting rather sick of that.

Posted by Maleta at 11:05 p.m.