Morning. I woke up a little while ago to get ready for work. My first thought..i wish i were dead.

I don't really. It's just Saturday. I need sleep and movies and friends.

Eleanor's party was really nice, and I had alot of fun. I realized two things though, I should stop hating people that haven't done anything directly to me, and if I do..just keep it to myself or else I come across as one of the most bitter people in this world. Also, another thing, I don't care about a boyfriend anymore. Cause I know if I do, I'll just date someoe that I really shouldn't, so I might as well be content with the fact that I stated at the beginning of the year. For the most part, I will be single all through 11th grade. Come to think of it, I do enjoy it. It's just my self-worth keeps going up and down. So I don't care. Everyone gets insecure at times, and if you don't, there's probably a good chance that you're one of those people that haven't directly done anything to me, but I still dislike, lol.

I'll be home at 4:30 today. Yes.

Posted by Maleta at 7:32 a.m.