cynical, huh?
Since September, I have alienated several of my very good friends, but in turn have become closer with others. Is that an acceptable loss? I can't yet figure that out.

But I certainly am not going to apologize for being the way I am. And God forbid I'm honest. I seem to just get yelled at more. Friendships are just wacky. However, Ive managed to keep one or two relatively close which is what is keeping me sane. That, and reading.

If I didn't work, I could do more things. But. I guess not in the long run since I'd have no money.

There's an awful lot of hammering and what not going on across the street. On Sunday when there was alot of wind, the baseball field's "precious" tarp over their royal dirt collection was near ruined. I think it would be great to go out there tonight with a sharp object and completely obliterate it. Just cause I can, and I don't like them.

Posted by Maleta at 4:20 p.m.