midnight reflections.
Tonight was just like the summer. All day at one place, although a little confining, it was fun. As I said before, movies are my life. And funny quotes by funny people. something like 'Juvi reminds me of Jubilee and condoms.' I don't remember exactly though, so I don't think it makes alot of sense.

I know I should be sleeping. However I can't. Today was about realizations. You know how everyone always tells you that bottling up your emotions is bad, and you just nod your head but do it anyway. Well, today that caught up to me and I realized alot of anger that I was harboring. I don't exactly know what to do with said anger, or the cause of it, so I think I'm going to push it to the side. At least I know it's there. If I bring it to light now, certain things would become like a civil war between people who definitely do not need a civil war.

I never thought I'd agree with my boyfriend on this, but after some viewing, I feel that the Man Show on comedy central has some strong points. Like the fat kid.

It's hard to maintain a carefree attitude or just to take pleasure in the small things when so many people are stressing about such middle school shit like such uneccessary competition. Even if that's how the entire world works, that doesn't give us an excuse to act that way as well. If anyone truly is a good person there should be some effort made to rise above what you feel is wrong instead of conforming along with everything because it's the easier way out.

I may not do this all the time, but I am trying. I'm trying to maintain my outlooks and kindness all at once, and sometimes I take pleasure in being honest even when it's mean. But I have alot of things to say right now about alot of different things, but I won't. Because again, it will cause tension that wont benefit anyone right now.

Posted by Maleta at 12:13 a.m.