Feb. 2,2002
i just got scared by a shadow.
So I consumed at least 4 times the serving size of the best salad dressing in the world tonight. I liked it alot better than the actual salad. But. You know what? My weekends are bound to suck from now on because of my work schedule. Ah. Well. Maybe it will change. Or maybe I'll stop going. I watched Office Space last night and all day I just kept thinking although my job isn't nearly as fucked up as an office job, it still sucks. Because I get yelled at for not specifying exactly what I needed a price check on. I needed someone to come up and look at it in the first place. I'm so sorry that my boss has to be such an ass that he's crazy and wears cowboy hats and is just nuts.

My other manager, she's the nicest lady though. She told me if I ever needed to talk she was there. So I guess 3 nice managers verses one fuck face man is better than some people get.


Posted by Maleta at 11:59 p.m.