Ah. So. concert choir tryouts were tonight. And. Let's just say. I did well. Except one part. I think I messed up a rather crucial part. I did the right thing, but in the wrong key because when I'm nervous it's like I'm drunk. Crazy, crazy me. So my stomach is in turmoil STILL. Ah. Geez. Maybe chinese food wasn't the best option. But Karen and Dan are just good at reducing stress. :) In a way if I don't make call backs, I wont make it into the choir, but at least I wont have to do another audition. Auditioning for the play last year was alot less stressful. Alot.

But. My mother actually let me drive home, in the-gasp! dark. She makes me upset. And I did well. Oh yeah.

Well. I'm going to go. byee!

Posted by Maleta at 6:27 p.m.