sunday. how great. I feel bad that i didn't go and film with scott and dan and everyone. but i have homework and stuff to take care of. cleaning the hamster cage and history stuff. if i didnt do it today, it wouldnt get done for a while. and then id feel really bad for the poor thing. who still lacks a real name. my brother's is Boo. I just couldn't pick a suitable name.

What is this with ex-boyfriends from 3 or 4 years ago? Deo, who was at one point the reason for Eleanor to live (who knows why..heh), calls her up out of the blue. then he called me and we takled. but for some reason, the time period i knew him in isn't one i wish to travel back to. Same with today.

I was taking a bath and reading and the doorbell rings. my mom was taking a nap so i get out, throw on a robe and look out the front window. It's this boy Rob who was my first boyfriend whom I viscously dumped in that terrible teenage way of having your friends do it. We were friends after that. And then sometime after 9th grade I think (we went to different high schools) he showed up on my front porch and did something to piss me off. So I told him to leave. Then I heard that he had told all his friends that we had sex.At this time I was 14. I have no idea what he actually said, but that was enough for me to not want to talk to him again.

So then he shows up today. So I had my mom answer the door since she got up anyway, and she told him I couldn't come downstairs. So then he left. I have no idea what he wanted. But man. Today was not the day I would have wanted to see him. I just want to sleep really and watch movies. It's bad enough i have homework to do. I don't really want any awkward conversations, or who knows, maybe him coming to call me a bitch, since there was someone else with him. And I have been known to be terribly bitchy to those who were in relationships with me.

Well, that's over. So. I have to try to be nicer. Or just avoid stuff completely. I've been doing the latter recently.

Hum. I'm gonna go. Bye.

Posted by Maleta at 4:15 p.m.