death. red.
Nice afternoon. No one's home. Raining. No work to do or go to. I should probably try to be productive, but that's just insane.

My history teacher is causing some stress in my life . I like him, but he always has to prove someone wrong and he told me I have alot of socialist views. Maybe not, I just wish I could rightfully be an idealist. Except I'm also pragmatic and realize why idealism isn't realistic at all. Ah. Such troubles.

In Seattle, they get two weeks off when we only get one. That isn't very fair.Thankfully, our pathetic break starts on Friday. I want to go on a trip. Except I lack funds, so I'll just work and sleep.

I feel like a freakin drug counselor for some of the people I work with. I don't know what to tell them. If you don't want to see the one girl mess her life up then simply stop selling her weed. At least you wouldn't be involved anymore. Ugh. I want to get awaaaaaaaay.

I know this is not really a happy topic, but I was thinking about this today. What happened if I died, would the people I don't know in person that read this ever realize I was dead? Or would they just figure I don't like the whole diary thing anymore. Hell, if I ever gave this up I'd at least say goodbye. Somehow, I don't think I will stop writing because it's a very nice release. So if I stop writing, either I'm in a coma or I'm dead. ByeBye. :)

Posted by Maleta at 3:24 p.m.