April 16,2002
I love this weather. 90 degrees. Yesss...It's strange how used to it I am. Maybe because during the winter i would crawl under 5 blankets whenever possible. Who knows. Listening to Tiny Dancer. Elton John has been a big part of my life these past few days.

I fell asleep listening to him. Thinking about how I want to tell my mom everything that has happened to me in the past 6 months. I was going to, but I hesitated and fell asleep. Then I had a dream my mother died, and I could talk to her once more. And in my dream I didn't want to tell her those things, because they'd upset her. So I woke up and decided not to tell her just yet. Then I felt guilty about the first thing I said this morning, I had asked her to iron some shorts.

I've given up on the financial plan. Whatever I have saved for a car, will be whatever I have saved. I want to get stuff now and go to Ozzfest and the cotillion and movies and basically enjoy myself since I'm working and want to feel like I'm working for something.

I wish i had an interesting story. But. I don't. That explains my lack of e-mails, too.

Posted by Maleta at 3:04 p.m.