May 8,2002
Sitting around Dan's room with Kacy and discussing the perplexities of life. I swear. Last real day of school I believe is June 18th? Then it's just finals and hopefully I'll be exempt from those. Why can't it be on May 18th? I want to go camping with Nick and Kacy and Eleanor and Tilley and Dynelle, soon. Things would be fun. I'm afraid if it takes to long then it will never happen. But it BETTER happen, hear that guys? Or I will go crazy. Because I have nothing else to look forward to. Except Dan's going to teach me to play the acoustic guitar. And I will finally have a skill. I'll just have to keep my nails nice and short. It's just I don't know how much I can practice alone since I always need positive reinforcement if I'm to stick with something. Like a little child. So sad, I know.

Things are good since there is no school tomorrow. Cut day. Bye.

Posted by Maleta at 4:46 p.m.