crumb cake.
Ok. I'd like to say that I've had my month of complaining and bitching and general unhappiness, but I've had my SIX months of feeling that way. That's actually rather sad. Pathetic. Indeed. But now it is time to just be happier. And appreciate what I have before it's gone. It's the only way to actually be.

I know what I want to do. It's just a matter of doing it. But I'm not going to complain about that, I'm just happy that I haven't seriously fucked up too many good things.

Work and friendships and lack of sleep and relationships and food, man. That's enough to drive someone crazy. I'm ready to be crazy but just not in a bad way anymore. I'll let all the craziness be good. And then things will improve.

Posted by Maleta at 11:00 p.m.