easy short road of the day
Here's random for you.

cheesecakes, cats, sweatshirts. fall. cold. cleaning off the car. nice cold. vacuum. poems, water, ice cream, driving, music. hands. beauty. you're beauty. tv. naps. books. lots of books. college. people long forgotten. want to be brave. want to be happy. AM happy. have good things. too long of a silence between friends. questions, apologies. awkwardness. stupid apologies. bird kisses. tired feet. happy fatigue. "useful" as dr.larch would say. heh. forgetting how to spell. bowling. i don't bowl. but bowling. anger is sexy until it gets loud. same thing with honesty. coconut chocolate. bathing suit. People are scared when you don't respond with the typical, "not much what about you?" That is so fun.

I'm going to try to take periodic naps, wake up from like 2 to 4 and see how that works out. only when i have homework and things to do, though. its a good idea! wow. then i can treat homework as simply a bad dream.

godspeed IS good. thank you doug.

Posted by Maleta at 10:52 p.m.