silver should be named milver
So within the first five minutes of getting to work, I find a hamster sitting in an inch of spilled pepsi on the bottom of the garbage can. How AWFUL. So I rescued him and gave him a comfy home. He's mentally distraught though and wouldn't stop running around.

I am also mentally distraught since I'm running on 5 hours of sleep and nothing else but caffeine and chinese food. So maybe that's physically distraught.

Haha, anyway. Tomorrow I must apply to two colleges and then I can hang out with Ross. What to seeeeeee...harry potter 2? or the emperor's club? i haven't even seen the first harry potter movie. or read the books for that matter. i really have to take a shower, but i guess that can wait until tomorrow. its getting late.

Posted by Maleta at 10:18 p.m.