January 5,2003
sorry for the neglect
Wow I have been seriously neglecting this diary recently. Stuff happened and I hardly had time to sleep let alone write! Ack. So this past week has been all about no sleep, work, and crazy outings with friends. One consisted of dunkin donuts at 7 am new years, when all of us were as close to be catatonic as possible due to lack of sleep, and then i went to work and thought I would die. Then last night was a nice dinner at this cool Thai place and then I went to Ross's to build a puzzle of this wizard guy, and his family probably thinks we're big losers. 17 year old kids sitting around building a puzzle, but we agreed that it was better than only being able to derive amusement out of being drunk. But on New Years Eve Kacy and I discovered how easily we are effected by simple champagne, and then I almost fell off of a dugout roof across the street. And my brother and Ryan couldn't even light matches. If only I had thought of taking pictures. Much amusement. And little sleep. And wow. Ok. No profound thoughts tonight whatsoever. bye!

Posted by Maleta at 9:50 p.m.