the good..etc.
Wow, I'm actually writing again and it's not yet five days since my last entry! yay! Anyone who missed yesterday's entry, go back, because it was what made me sane again. Some people (nick d.) find that when people talk frankly and honestly about life that they are just "bitching". I feel that doing that is just releasing stress and saying the things you didn't get a chance to say -even though you really wanted to- to the people you should have said it to. This way, at least my audience is voluntary so they can't really say SHUT UP! since they are the ones choosing to read it. So thanks anyone who is reading it. and haha, you can't tell me to shut up.

I've come to the conclusion that the people who are most honest with themselves and can admit to the world when things suck are probably the ones who are most satisfied with their lives. Sure I write about being angry, depressed, and all that fun stuff, but it's real and honest. Instead of having to write down stuff about my life and sugarcoat it all to make myself believe everything will be ok, I KNOW it will be and write about the stuff that makes me realize who I am. The bad, the good, and the angry.

Oh! That's another thing that angers me: people like Philip Carey who occasionally lie to themselves and the rest of the world to make things SEEM ok when they are obviously rather shitty. Admit to it! You'll be more real and worthy of love and respect.

tv time and then a nap. and then some pie. mmm.

Posted by Maleta at 3:30 p.m.