Plan for me, the apparent planner.
So tonight I hung out with my friend from work, even though I had made a rule to be in bed by 11 every night about 2 weeks ago, and so far, for the past 5 nights I completley disregarded that, because night time is when things happen. And they did. And then I came home and I almost burned down my home. I throw a match in the garbage can, almost POSITIVE that it was out, so I pay no attention until I smell burning plastic, look down and see very large flames licking at the the corner of my bed and the night table that I have. SO. After staring in shock for a few seconds I try beating it down with a tissue box which also catches fire and then finally I get enough water to drown the last of the flames. Scariest moment I've had in quite some time. My room will smell like this probably long enough for me to have to give an explanation to my parents. I'm surprised they didn't run up here at the first wiff of smoke. Hopefully they are asleep and didn't notice a thing.

I'm thinking about the new classes that start on monday, and am going to try to be well enough rested to stay awake during them. so that's the plan. Plans can be good.

Posted by Maleta at 1:29 a.m.