For the first time in my life the way that I think of a guy and the way that he is actually matches. He's just as good in real life as he is in my head. Never have a I felt like this before about anyone. It's nice.

Work was actually enjoyable today besides my complete exhaustion. I haven't seen Michelle for the longest time, and although slightly crazy, we had some fun. And some interesting conversations. My mouth tastes like McDonald's, ick. I'm putting off taking a shower for as long as possible because my legs just don't want to stand up. So sleepy! Tonight I am going to see the school play. 4 years of high school and I've never actually seen one. I've been in one, but I didn't see one. It should be interesting. Finally some hang out with Freda time!

Again, I close my eyes and I see the fish that I was just trying to catch at work. Give me something else to think about subconsciously!

Posted by Maleta at 4:24 p.m.