I have been seriously neglecting this poor diary recently. I have been an emotional nutcase, not even entirely my fault, but the culprit is being eliminated from my body as of tonight. No more taking any altering substances because I can't live day to day feeling so detached from reality. I feel a little bad about calling out from work today, but I got a total of 3 hours of sleep in between visits to the bathroom to throw up and just generally feel like dying. I can't feel too bad because I've been there too much recently. I am not a work whore! Ok?

Last night I went to the movies with Matt and a bunch of his friends. I'm probably not their favorite person in the world, but at least I don't think they hate me. And if they do, I'm dating him, not them. But I at least liked them, and people seem to think you can tell alot about a person by his friends. One thing so great about Matt( and there are many things) is that he does not rely on me to have a good time.And although sometimes I wish I were the center of his universe, I realize that his independence is one of his most attractive qualities. He doesn't try to conform to please me, he's still the same person he was when I was his friend and it brings a more mature feeling to this relationship than any of my previous ones where we hid our feelings to please each other.

Like I said to Kacy yesterday, you know that people mean something to you when you can get so unbelievably upset with them sometimes but still want them to be a part of your life. That's how it is with my family; no matter how many fights we have, we know that we love each other above all other emotions, good or bad. Same thing with my friends. The ones who have lasted throughout the years are the ones that I have been through the most with, and we still can go back to each other and appreciate our friendship even at the most basic form. Just knowing that someone who cares about you is out there is sometimes enough. In middle school I used to feel that if I didn't hang out with everyone as much as possible then they weren' really my friends. With recent events I realize that friendship is more than passing time together. It's being there for each other even if we aren't physically present.

Posted by Maleta at 9:35 a.m.