I am truly an idiot
You would think that once in a while, one can have a nice, peaceful morning. Not the case. 8 this morning (me stupidly having plans to sleep until 11) these tree guys come to my neighbor's house to cut down some trees. Loud business, right outside my window. I relocated. Then I realized that if I don't do anything this morning I will just sit around and feel completely stupid for how emotional and psychotic I was last night, and I just didn't want to feel like that, so I decided to clean my car. It's not like it used to be, when I regularly cleaned it once a month. No, this has been quite a few months and there is nothing more disgusting than my car after a few months of not being cleaned. Well, I'm sure there is since there was nothing dead in there, but it comes close. I need more girl time, because no matter how hard he tries, Matt will never understand my more psychotic habits. And I will never understand his male tendencies. Nope. So. That being said. I better go get ready for a fun filled evening of work.

Posted by Maleta at 1:40 p.m.