no more anger
I changed my mind about the hatred in the last entry. I don't hate him, as I am trying very hard not to hate anyone who isn't a stupid republican politician, and I realize the boy I pledged hatred against is really not bad at all. In fact, I miss him even if he does not miss me. Maybe that's where the hatred came from, I never wanted things to change to the point where we don't even talk anymore. Go figure.

My Thanksgiving was interesting. I drove with my mom, dad, brother and Oma down to my grandparents house in southern NJ. We went out to dinner for Thanksgiving at around 1 o'clock and a nice banquet place and met my aunt, uncle, and cousin there. While I was listening to all the many conversations everyone was having I realized how very different everyone is in my family and we all have very different opinions about stuff, but they are still my family and therefore I realize I can't hate anyone on the basis alone that they don't think the same way I do. Even though it makes me so angry and upset that people living in the year 2003 are still so conservative, I still love them as my family. It's confusing, but so is everything else.

I'm looking forward to our month off with extreme anticipation. Finals need to be finished with and next semester needs to never start. I'm going to be so sleep deprived it's not even funny, but I guess in the long run it will be worth it.

I'm going to go watch tv or something now and enjoy my day off.

Posted by Maleta at 1:23 p.m.