December 3,2003
I have a new favorite quick meal. It's Stouffer's Turkey Terazzini. Now if the T.V. dinner version of this meal is great then I can't imagine how good the home cooked version could be.

I'm slowly preparing for finals this week, well. Not really. I should be, but I'm not. I'm actually reveling in the fact that this is my last complete week of classes and I cannot wait to be free!

I went shopping yesterday to get some Christmas presents for people, and I couldn't find any of them anywhere. I guess I will be shopping on-line a lot this year, which is actually much less stressful. I also wanted ear muffs, but even Target wasn't selling them. What the fuck? Ok so everybody seems to prefer hats nowadays, but I just can't wear a hat. I just can't. But that doesn't mean my ears don't get cold dammit. EAR MUFFS WHERE ARE YOU?

As you can see I don't have many important things to write about, because at this moment in time I am only allowing myself to think about small things. When I think about big things I either get angry or very stressed out.

Ok. Until next time, whenever that may be.

Posted by Maleta at 1:28 p.m.