lighten up while you still can.
I seem to only write now when I am prompted to by others, which aptly demonstrates my main problem at the moment: my lack of motivation.

I'm happier now than I have been in a long time, I am just not accomplishing much of anything that I can display to others. Unless you can count smiling and random laughing as an accurate display of mild contentment. Which, I suppose, most people would. I am so relieved that summer will be here and my mind will have the opportunity to focus on what I want it to focus on.

I have this feeling that it is entirely possible to achieve the feeling I get when I watch intelligent movies with wonderful romance and amazing beauty in them. It's possible, but slightly out of reach. I have a bit of that feeling arising from moments during every week, but it always seems to come from different things, so what will make it happen next? I guess that is what everyone is trying to figure out. Just the fact that I can feel it, though, is enough of a reason to give me some sort of drive and ability to derive some wonderful pleasure from life.

Posted by Maleta at 10:27 p.m.