oh, this is long overdue.
The following is an excerpt from today's Star Ledger (the "news" paper my family receives):
"...any hope of a Democratic revival will require that the party come up with more acceptable positions on these issues." These issues were mentioned a few sentences before that and consist of "God, guns and gays."
I'm sorry, but what is wrong with this country? I haven't written in here for quite some time because I have been focusing on other things. Now, I feel I have nothing else to do but randomly vent about what is wrong with the world, hoping that people will read it and understand and have something come from it. As my friend Dan Scog says, "A vote for Bush is a rape for you."
Are Democrats, like the Republicans, now supposed to try to get America to believe in only the God of Christianity (whatever happened to freedom of religion..), allow guns to be used to shoot innocent people and innocent animals, and ban gays from participating in society in a parallel way to the way black people were ostracized and kept from their constitutional rights for so long? People actually elected him this time around, (very much the opposite of what happened in 2000)so that only means one thing to me: my fellow Americans are ignorant. Their education should come from textbooks, not the Bible. Not the textbooks that are slanted as much as the ones I had to read while in high school, either. I'm talking about books that tell the truth, written by the educated, and not sensored by some manipulating system that wants to breed nationalism and hatred towards others.
If at any time there is a draft in this country, or it so happens that children are forced to recite prayer in public schools, or women get their right to choose taken away by men who will never know what it even means to have to make a decision like that, it will be the biggest betrayal that one can have happen to them. I was raised with the idea that I live in a free country, with all these promises and possibilities, and now that is gone.
Who says you have to vote for Bush if you want moral values? His morals consist of killing our troops, ignoring our poor people, taking away our civil liberties, and lying to the public. Those are the morals that we can now find when we look to the monkey in office. No, it's an insult to monkeys to call him that. He is sub-mammal when it comes to intelligence and compassion. My left finger has more moral dignity than he can hope to achieve over the entire span of his life.

Posted by Maleta at 5:33 p.m.