August 10, 2005
does feeling like an adolescent ever go away for good?
This is the first time in a while I've been up past midnight. I'm unemployed, just back from a short vacation at my grandparents' and am apparently a temporary insomniac. I should be sleeping, in fact, I know I am tired and I didn't sleep last night for longer than 3 hours so why am I sitting at my damn computer now with no one to talk to except someone who doesn't really like me all that much? I feel like I am back in high school and I'm waiting for the boy I like to sign on so I can have like a 4 minute conversation with him and be satisfied. Except now, I'm in a long term relationship and the person who is in it with me seems to have disappeared for the moment so I'm consumed with worry and a bit of jealousy that he's probably having fun while I'm sitting here in my pajamas. Blah. Love is not always entirely easy. MEN! Why are you like the way that you are?
At the end of this month my brother, Dan, Doug, and I are going to Alabama to visit my Aunt Lillian and her partner and I'm really excited about it. I don't really know them that well so it will be an opportunity to spend time with them and to get out of New Jersey for a bit before school starts up again.
I am in need of a job but I want to see how long I can last without one. My monthly expenses at the moment aren't tooooo crippling. Monday is my court date to see about my ticket and if the two hundred dollars and 4 points on my license can be lowered to something a little less scary.

Posted by Maleta at 12:47 a.m.