I so frequently feel like I am on the verge of losing my mind. I forget about work until I'm there and then once I'm there, even though I get paid crap and am only there on a sub-human level, I feel like I have to do a perfect job. Well. Fuck that. I also should probably stop cursing so much.
I hate the new Gap commercial where they use Audrey Hepburn to try to sell their "new" style of pants.
What the hell am I going to do when I graduate? I'm hoping my brother goes to grad school at Berkely for comp. sci. so I'll go there with him and waste a few years in California and go to "wine country" a whole lot of times and have some fun. At least Arnold agrees that women (and gay men) should know what kinda harmful shit is in their lipstick, like formaldehyde.

Posted by Maleta at 10:22 p.m.